When I First Learned I Was a Human Design Projector

I was shattered.

When I first heard someone speak about their Human Design type, I was fascinated. She was a Manifestor and I was awestruck.  I couldn’t wait to get home and learn mine. It felt as if my design would somehow give me validation in the world.

Not so much. I was devastated to learn I was a Projector. It was my first time hearing about this energy type and I felt robbed and desicated. Pretty hopeless actually.

Almost everything I was “working” on to improve about myself, was who I actually was designed to be, according to Human Design. I didn’t fit into the human world very well and now it felt like there was no hope I would. I was born to be this energy type called a Projector, that was born to not conform in the Generator world we live in.

We were here to guide them?

What now? All the “work” I had been doing to “heal” myself wasn’t ever going to make me “better.” I felt pretty alone, isolated and turned off, but at the same time intrigued by Human Design.

I spent 5 years like this. Learning a little at a time. Accepting a little at a time. Deconditioning a little at a time.

It was all very complicated and I never felt an ease with any of it, but for some reason, I kept at it. I kept following. Trying to understand how I fit in. And how I didn’t. Doing the the things I needed to do, to accept my Projector Self.

A few years in, one of my yoga teacher trainees studied Human Design and became a reader. I was in awe of her for doing this! A Projector, as well, we began to tune in with each other regularly. This allowed me to soften further around my place in the Universe. I actually began to appreciate it.

Eventually, she introduced me to the creator of Quantum Human Design™, by way of a podcast.  My entire world recalibrated and reshuffled, like I never thought possible and in the absolute best way. I felt Karen Curry Parker’s new language around Human Design in my soul and bones. Chills! Tears! Everything I felt that was out of alignment with Human Design, came into alignment with Quantum Human Design™.

For the first time in my life, my perspective and meaning around mySelf, shifted from fixing everything that was wrong with me, to loving, accepting and actually appreciating everything that was right about me.

I started my studies in Quantum Human Design™  within months of learning about it. The more I learn, the more I love it and want to share it. To serve my community in this way!

Human Design was intended to shatter you into your awakening. Quantum Human Design™ is intended to create the sacred space for you to love and reach the potential of who you truly are. And I am here to hold that sacred space for you.



PS~Curious about your Human Design Energy Type? CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE BODYGRAPH/CHART.

PSS~Want to learn more about training with Karen Curry Parker yourself? CLICK HERE.

PSS~If you purchase one of Karen Curry Parker’s Professional Training Courses from the link above, I may get a few bucks for sharing her school with you. The only reason I am actually sharing though, is because the training is amazing.

PSSS~If you want to learn more and work with me, CLICK HERE.