Grieving Sofie My First Holiday Season Without Her

The holiday season can be so challenging for those of us that have lost loved ones. There is the vacancy in our hearts. The deafening silence in our ears. The extra time in our days. And the messages flooding in, from every which way, that we should feel joyous.

Know you are not alone, if you cannot summon the joy. Know it’s okay to be sad. Know it’s okay to not want to participate in the holiday festivities. Know it’s okay to not be okay. Grief doesn’t feel good.

Linear time does not heal all wounds, as the archaic saying suggests. I don’t even know if our hearts ever heal and I don’t know that they should. What our heart, body and soul will do is recover, integrate and recalibrate. This takes self care, grace and allowing ourselves to feel the heartbreak. The soul break. If not, the body WILL break.

The only way *out* is through. And it hurts. There are times I thought the pain would kill me.

Braving the grief journey consciously is a courageous feat, that has the potential of being one of our greatest heart openers. To the degree the heart breaks, the heart has the potential to expand. IF we trudge through aware and conscious. That’s the hard part. We don’t like to FEEL pain.

We are so good at coming up with ways NOT to feel the pain, as are most of our well meaning friends and family members.

Humans are resilient beings. Each one of us an eager soul entering the cosmos to learn and expand as much as we can. Each one a uniquely curated weaving of energy signatures that has the potential to love and inspire others into being their true authentic Self and Soul. By sharing the stories that make us human.

Grief is a very human thing. It’s dense and murky and scary and dark and beautiful, all at the same time.  The deep sorrow is the deep love, now felt through the lens of grief. Our love will be felt through the lens of joy again if we lean in. Lean into the love. Lean into the loss. Lean into the pain.

And let those that support you in. Let those that see your pain in. Let those that can hold the space for your hurting heart and soul in.

Here’s a little flashback on grieving my Sof, that first Thanksgiving and holiday season from November 28th, 2018:

“Our last family photo together. The last weekend of her life. Her last Saturday. The first morning I woke up knowing she was dying. My baby girl was dying. 56 days ago. Time has not reconciled any of it. Grief will……some day……I will grieve and I will cry and I will share and I will remember and I will wail and I will breathe and I will do it again and again and again until I can’t anymore. I will not rush or quiet my grief. I will honor my grief, my fierce love…..for this is the path to my healing. #sofierce”

Sending so much love to everyone of us missing our beloveds. Human or animal. If you would like a compassionate ear, empathic heart and sacred space to share your feelings, please use coupon code 22OFF for 22% off any package or gift certificate. We offer pet grief and loss sessions, packages and gift certificates. If your beloved is a human, we welcome you too! These packages and gift certificates make such thoughtful gifts.  Coupon code 22OFF also works for our human design packages and gift certificates.

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