Aurora will help you learn to love who you are.

Qualifications: Guidance with Empathy & Embodiment

My most significant qualification comes from doing the work! I get it. I have been there and now I am here to guide you on your journey home to your heart and soul to lead a life of authenticity and meaning.

My formal training includes certification as a Quantum Human Design Specialist™ under the guidance of Karen Curry Parker. Additionally, I am a certified Grief Educator through David Kessler, a Grief Movement Specialist under Paul Denniston, a Level 1 Animal Communicator with Meg Vick, and a Pet Bereavement Counselor accredited by Dr. Wallace Sife. I am also a Certified Life Coach, having received my training through ICA.

For over a decade, I have held the distinction of being a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, having shared my knowledge in more than 8,000 hours of classes. I am the former owner of The Yoga Channel studio and Registered Yoga School, where I had the privilege of training and certifying numerous yoga teacher trainees at the 200-hour level. My journey in the world of yoga includes advanced certifications in Trauma Awareness, Gentle Yoga, Advanced Sequencing, and Advanced Subtle Anatomy. I am also a Reiki Master, attuned to the healing art of Reiki.

I founded the Manifesting Under the Moon methodology. Within this framework, I co-create products, inner journeys, and courses, designed to empower those who are ready to manifest their true Selves. I have created countless curriculum for transformative courses, including 200 hour Yoga Teacher Trainings and The Awakened Entrepreneur.

My favorite quote is “Well-Being is the new currency”, by my mentor Karen Curry Parker. I am a devoted human mom, a cherished dog mom, kind human being and a perpetual student of life, constantly seeking to expand my consciousness.

My favorite thing to do is watch a human being discover their soul purpose and realize their full potential: to love themselves for exactly who they are and live a life of joy, meaning and purpose.

My story

My spiritual journey began in the midst of a painful divorce, in my mid thirties. It was like an earthquake in my own personal life. Nothing made sense and I was shattered. Like crying on the floor of Target, shattered. It wasn’t what I wanted, but I couldn’t fix my way out of this one.

I was paying out of pocket to see a therapist 2-3 times a week, with the awareness that my reactions to what were happening in my world were beyond what I perceived as “normal”. This awareness was the beginning. With awareness, we can begin the wholing journey.

In later years, I learned a lifetime of trauma was triggering me and amplifying my responses. I had no language around any of it and it made me feel insane. I grew up in an abusive and chaotic house and my partnerships were all the same. I didn’t know any different, but I was beginning to “wake” up.

I found yoga during this time and it gave me space beyond my trauma and emotions to get to know myself outside of them both. There was more to life than pain, abuse, anxiety and trauma triggers. I began to feel sane. I could breathe for the first time.

I began to observe myself and thus rapidly transform. It took years of practice and mindfulness, but I had control over my emotions. They didn’t control me any longer. I HAVE emotions. They didn’t HAVE me. This was key to my feeling empowered.

I finally felt I had a purpose with yoga. It was the alchemy. I had no idea the practice would change my life. I felt so deeply grateful, I became a yoga teacher and soon the owner of a yoga studio.

The Universe had bigger plans for me. Each time I thought I was healed and had “made it” (I know better now), it shocked me into another dark night of the soul. (Hello Human Design Gate 51 in my conscious sun). Months before my only daughter left for college, my soul dog, Lola, died of a brain tumor at the young age of 5. This sweet French Bulldog, was MY sacred space holder. She saw me through a horrific time in my life.

My daughter was on her way out the door and I was all alone. The grief I felt after her tragic death was beyond any pain I had ever felt. It was the catalyst of deep inner work and expansion. I would have literally died without my yoga practice. This was the beginning of my grief journey, that cracked my heart wide open in the worst and best way.

A decade of this, one shock after the next. Each bringing me closer to my Self. Including losing my yoga studio to the pandemic and the tragic death of two more young dogs, I found Karen Curry Parker and Quantum Human Design™.

Karen Curry Parker’s expanded language for Human Design, Quantum Human Design™, shook me and woke me up in a way I never knew I needed. My life, my soul mission and the meaning of who I am in the beautiful Universe and the Quantum Field, completely recalibrated me, in the best way possible.

It became clear how I needed to show up for you, my “people”. I could finally love myself and the Projector I am. The witch. The guide. The seer. No longer burning myself at the stake. I am here to guide energy. That took a decade of deconditioning to see, love, appreciate and embrace. I would love to show you YOUR way.

Quantum Human Design Specialist™
Quantum Human Design Specialist™

What others are saying

“When I work with Aurora, I feel the space being held for me. In all honesty, I’d never really understood that term until I had the opportunity to work with Aurora. She not only held space for me, but allowed me to be heard. The way she listens to me and offers beautiful words of guidance are like crawling under a nice warm blanket and snuggling in. Warm, safe and comfortable.”


“Thank you so much! I needed our space that you facilitated – it was the gateway to all this healing. I’m so grateful for the sacred space you carefully crafted and tended. It was everything I didn’t know I needed. And I’m so grateful for it and you.”


“Aurora taught me self respect and respect for others. Aurora picked up on my negative self-talk right away. While I used to think it was funny to call myself names and tell myself that I was stupid, Aurora kindly, but firmly explained that this was detrimental. She coached me on ways to turn this around.”