Life as a Human Design Projector Profile 2/4

I’ve been deep in my hermitage again. My cave that I have always considered darkness. My shadow side.

In my human design studies, I have come to understand, that this innate need to go inward and contemplate, is how I integrate my new levels of awareness and expand my consciousness.

I serve by sharing and holding space for those around me to realize and love the story and potential of who they are. To do this, I need to love the story of who I am. That means there are times I need to be in community with my people and at other times I must be alone to discern how best to serve them.

As I step out after much reflection and contemplation, the light shines bright, the sun sparkles and joy leads the way. I see myself through a new lens. I see how it is I best show up.

Thank you for being in my circle. Thank you for loving me when I’m quiet. Thank you for finding me when it’s time to share what I have learned.


Aurora Heinemann

2/4 Projector Human Design

2/4 Orchestrator Quantum Human Design™