The Full Moon in Scorpio is a time of intense transformation, letting go, and rebirth. It’s a time to release what no longer serves you and create space for what you truly desire. If you’ve been feeling stuck, uninspired, or held back by limiting beliefs, the Scorpio Full Moon Release Ritual Mini Course is here to guide you in harnessing the powerful energy of this lunar event.

Through this mini course, you will be guided in understanding the symbolism of Scorpio, the archetypes of the Scorpion, Eagle, and Phoenix, and how to use them to release trauma in the body and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. You’ll discover the magical properties of crystals, stones, and essential oils and herbs,  that support this transformative time.

Practices in our Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Release to Receive + Rebirth program include: guided meditation, embodied expression, moon mantras and a witchy Scorpio simmer pot; a magical potion of fruit, herbs, and spices that creates a portal of release to rebirth! You’ll also be guided in a journaling practice that will help you release emotions and beliefs that are no longer serving you. We have also included a beautiful ebook, supportive essential oils and stones, a cosmically curated herbal tea recipe and other self care tips and tools for your soul nourishment and well-being.

This mini course is perfect for anyone looking to harness the power of the Scorpio Full Moon for deep transformation and growth. By flowing with the changing tides of your life and embracing the energy of release, you’ll open up space for new opportunities and manifest your best life in the quantum field.

Are you ready to release what no longer serves you and step into your power? Join the Scorpio Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse Release to Receive + Rebirth Mini Course today and let the magic of the Scorpio Full Moon guide you towards your highest potential. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE. YOU WILL BE TAKEN TO THE PSYCHIC SOUL’S WEBSITE.