Remembering Thorneberry the Frenchie

I wrote this post 4 years ago, just after we lost Sofie suddenly. She was riddled with cancerous tumors throughout her liver, gallbladder and stomach. Sofie, my sweet brindle French Bulldog, had just turned 7.

I was devastated. It all happened so fast. We lost our 5 1/2 year old French Bulldog to a brain tumor, before Sofie joined our family, and were in disbelief we were losing another beloved so young. And this time, so quickly. We found out on a Friday and she was gone the following Monday.

Thorneberry was my saving grace. The best cuddler and most easy going dog I have ever been owned by. She demanded nothing of me and was happy to snuggle in bed and watch tv, which is what I did a lot. And cry.

I cried. I wailed. And cried some more. My broken and shattered heart, reverberated throughout my body. I felt physically sick.

Thorneberry was my angel. She left for the ethers, just over a year after losing Sof. That’s a story for another day. For now, here is my post:

“Thorneberry Muffins has been such an angel and trooper.  I don’t know what I would do without her. It wasn’t easy leaving and packing for three, instead of four, but we left with the mission to find joy in every possible moment. To honor Sofie and her teachings. Thorne made the 2,000 mile drive without ever making a peep or complaint. She was up for any adventure we threw her way. Even Depoe Bay in the rain. Nothing feels normal. Nothing feels right. But we breathe. We feel. We trust. We break. We remember. We smile. We laugh. We love. It’s all about the love. The grief, the pain, the emptiness is LOVE. It is brave to love so fiercely. Be brave. Be love. Be fierce.”

Thank you for remembering my baby girl with me.

