This morning I woke and just happened to check my Facebook memories. And thank goodness I did. I needed this reflected back to me and somehow the Universe knew to send me there.
One of my favorite memories and photos greeted me with a post from my daughter. My only child who is now 30 years old. It posed the question, who inspires you?
“Who would you say inspires you most in life?
No matter how many times I am asked this question, I will always answer with my mom. I would not be who I am today without the magic that is my wonderful mother. Since I was little, she has always encouraged my free spirit. She has always put my well being before her own, telling me to go as far as I want on my travels, even though she’ll miss me. She never tells me what to do but asks me the right questions so I can figure out the answers to life on my own. Although her support, love and guidance have influenced so much of who I am, her example has even more so. I watched her lose everything and I saw her take that and turn it into the most inspiring story of transformation and success~ a true personification of the lotus from the mud story.
I watched her change her life, grow her spirit, connect to herself, help everyone and every being she could even when she barely had enough time for herself. I saw her be the rock that everyone needs, the listening ear that everyone craves. I saw her grow from the ashes that became the life her and I once knew and take a completely different direction than was expected. A direction that was courageous. My mom now owns a yoga studio. She went like a warrior straight through the pain that was her past, one of the bravest things you can do, and she came out the other side transforming all that she had learned into a safe space, in and outside the studio, to allow others to do the same.. all the while being a mother to myself and a special needs dog, a friend to everyone in need, a wise daughter, a teacher, a life coach. I’ve always thought, if I could be half the woman she is, if I could have half of her courage, bravery, integrity, compassion, wisdom, I will be proud of myself and the journey I’m on.
Who inspires you??” Written by Dori Edwards, Somatic Storyteller
I no longer have my yoga studio, due to world events (thank you gate 51 in my conscious sun). I watched my life burn to ashes, as I lost all of my material possessions yet again. Faced with another hibernation and hermitage, the dark night of the soul demands. Called to rise again and yet not knowing what it is I NOW have to offer.
As a profile line 2 in my human design, I am unable to see my own gifts, talents and medicine.
Line two. Known as the easy genius. Brilliant in our way of knowing without knowing how we know what we do. How we do what we do. Others can see all of this quite clearly. How it comes easy to us. Being good at something. Maybe everything. They call us “naturals” and can become quite frustrated that they are not a “natural” at whatever it is this projected energy stirs up in them and mirrors back.
The conundrum is, we do not know ANY of this about ourselves. We need it reflected back to us.
I am unable to articulate what it is I can do for people on my own. I have no idea. I search and I search for the words, the concepts, the tag lines, the elevator speech. It feels like it’s so far out of reach.
And then I am given this priceless gift, reflecting back to me what it is that is seen in me. I can take a deep exhale. I do matter. I am valuable. I do effect change.
This is what I do. This is the space I can hold for you. The liberation of your soul and freedom to live your life’s purpose. Ready to deepen your understanding of your design?

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Thanks for journeying with me! Stay tuned for more insights and effective strategies to support your path toward a healthier, more aligned life.

Aurora Heinemann | Splenic Projector 2/4
Quantum Human Design Specialist™ | Founder of
PS~ Interested in diving in deeper? Explore some of my affiliate link trainings with Dr. Karen Curry Parker: