Navigating Scorpio Season: Strengthening Relationships and Self-Worth

We are so excited to relaunch our Manifesting Under the Moon Membership! Our 2.0 content includes a weekly energy tune in video from Dori and we are so excited to share it with you here in blog form:

Hello everyone, it’s Dori! Thank you so much for joining me for the NEW WEEKLY tune-in. We’ve just entered Scorpio season, and I’m thrilled to deepen the connections we share within this community. Scorpio is all about strengthening relationships and commitments, and I’m truly honored that you’re here with me, engaging in the beautiful and multifaceted work of being human.

Strengthening Relationships and Self-Worth in Scorpio Season

As we embrace Scorpio’s themes of deepening commitments, let’s explore how to maintain fulfilling relationships while preserving our own sense of self. This applies to romantic partnerships, friendships, and even our careers. It’s all about striking a balance between self and others, so everyone feels whole, empowered, and fulfilled, enhancing our collective strength.

Scorpio also governs shared finances, and considering we’re on the Scorpio-Taurus axis, financial matters may become prominent. I’ve been contemplating how to establish self-sufficiency while managing shared finances, which can feel overwhelming. It’s a time when security and safety might feel uncertain, affecting various aspects of our lives.

For me, these past few weeks have been intense, as Scorpio is known for its passionate and deep nature. It delves into the depths of our psyches, ancestral lineage, and even the smallest molecules of our being. This time urges us to release, renew, and let go. Personally, I’ve found myself revisiting old habits and dealing with anxiety, at times feeling powerless in the face of these emotions.

Facing Our Shadows: Scorpio’s Gift of Transformation

Scorpio is also associated with fear and shame, as it delves into our darkest emotions. But it also offers a pathway to profound transformation, symbolized by the phoenix. It encourages us to die to our old selves, be reborn, and gain a broader perspective on life’s truths.

Now, with the Scorpio-Taurus axis, we’re approaching a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. The opposition between these two signs creates tension and, at times, can feel like a tug of war. I’ve experienced moments when Scorpio’s intense waters pull me down into emotional depths, and I yearn to return to Taurus’s solid ground, where I can root myself in the present moment and value myself.

The Power of Taurus: Self-Worth and Presence

Taurus embodies self-worth, self-value, and presence in the here and now. It’s about acknowledging where we are in time, place, energy, and emotion, without fear or shame. It takes strength to accept whatever arises without judgment and to let it pass through, paving the way for emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual balance.

To move forward, we must release the past, including the inner voices and judgments that were imposed on us without our consent. It’s time to reclaim our self-worth and value, recognizing that it’s okay to feel whatever we feel. This might require a touch of stubbornness, a dash of warrior spirit, and setting boundaries against our own self-sabotage.

Embracing Change: The Eclipse Cycles

The current Taurus-Scorpio axis has governed eclipse cycles for the past two years. As we enter an eclipse window, we become conduits between Earth and the cosmos, reflecting back our experiences and uncovering our shadowy corners. The upcoming eclipse represents the end of this cycle, and anything lingering from the last two years will come to the surface for release, making way for a new foundation.

If you’re feeling grief or a sense of closure, remember that you’re not alone. We will rise together as individuals and as a collective. The key lies in strengthening our surrender and self-honoring, believing in our value regardless of what we’re experiencing. This process takes practice, just like the persistent bull, Taurus, plowing the field to create new grooves in our brains and bodies that align us with self-love.

Conclusion: You Are Valued and Worthy

Whatever your practice is, whether it’s feeling the sand between your toes, dancing, singing, or any other form of self-expression, prioritize it to locate yourself in the present. Strengthen, surrender, strengthen, flow. You are valued, honored, loved, and worthy, regardless of where you are in this journey.

Thank you all for being here, and I’m sending you love, compassion, and all the support you need during this time and beyond. If you would like more spiritual wellness support, check out our  Manifesting Under the Moon Monthly Membership here.

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Thank you for joining us on this magical journey of self-discovery and empowerment!






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