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Welcome! What is Quantum Well-Being?

Unlock your limitless potential and ignite your holistic transformation journey with Quantum Well-Being! Quantum Well-Being is not just another self-care app. It’s a revolutionary practice and methodology that combines the ancient wisdom of mindfulness, somatic practices, cosmic influences, yoga, meditation and Quantum Human Design™ with the cutting-edge principles of quantum physics. Our mission is to empower you to unlock your true potential, elevate your energy, and cultivate a life of balance, harmony, and fulfillment.

What sets Quantum Well-Being apart?

Harness the Power of Quantum Energy: We understand that everything is energy, including your thoughts, emotions, and actions. By tapping into the quantum field, you can shape your reality and manifest positive change. Our methodology provides you with tools and techniques to align your energy with your desires, creating a powerful ripple effect in all areas of your life.

Embrace Mindfulness and Somatic Practices: Experience the profound connection between your mind and body. Through guided meditations, breathwork exercises, yoga, somatic journaling and other somatic and mindfulness practices, you’ll cultivate a deep sense of presence, release stored tension, and tap into your innate wisdom. Discover the power of being fully present in the here and now, creating a solid foundation for your well-being through your own sovereignty.

Uncover Cosmic Guidance through Cosmic Influences: Explore the celestial forces that influence your journey. Our methodology offers collective cosmic insights that empower you to understand your unique cosmic blueprint. Gain clarity on life’s challenges, discover your strengths, and unlock hidden potentials. Harness the wisdom of the stars to navigate your path with confidence.

Harness Nature’s Healing Wisdom: Nature has provided us with a bounty of remedies that support our well-being. Our methodology incorporates her wisdom, empowering you to take charge of your health.

At Quantum Well-Being, we believe that transformation is a journey. Our methodology serves as your trusted companion, providing a roadmap to unlock your limitless potential. Join a community of like-minded individuals, share insights, and draw inspiration from collective wisdom.

Are you ready to embark on a path of self-discovery, profound transformation, and holistic well-being? Ignite your journey to holistic transformation with Quantum Well-Being – where the power of quantum physics meets the wisdom of ancient practices.

What is Quantum Human Design™ Design?

From Karen Curry Parker, the Founder of Quantum Human Design™: “Quantum Human Design™ is often called the “new Astrology,” and the “intersection of science and spirituality.” Your Quantum Human Design chart is formulated by taking your birth date, time, and location, giving you specific information about your life path, your style of working, your relationship blueprint, how you experience energy in the world, and most importantly, how to create a truly meaningful and authentic life.

Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science. It is a collection of all the potential archetypes located in a single “map.” That map not only tells you where you would feel good and helps you navigate a path to get there, it also gives you a new way of thinking about who you really are.”

What is Quantum Human Design™ Specialist?

From Karen Curry Parker, the Founder of Quantum Human Design™: “Quantum Human Design™ experts are highly trained coaches, mentors and guides who have learned a way of interpreting your chart that is simple, easy to follow, clear, and gives you solid, workable strategies to help you discover exactly what you need to do to bring out the best of who you are in your life.

Quantum Human Design™ Specialists are training to look at your Human Design Chart (your personal “map”) as a story. Over the course of your life you’ve been told a story of who you are. Maybe that story led down a career path that isn’t really making your soul soar. Maybe your story has you living out patterns that keep you from believing you can have what you really want in your life. Maybe the story you’ve been trying to keep up with all your life isn’t even really your story.”

What is a Quantum Human Design™ Reading?

In a Quantum Human Design™ reading you’re going to learn how your personal energy works in the world, from the most basic elements of the chart to the deeper, more nuanced insights Human Design offers, all in an approachable and practical way, with an experienced guide by your side.

Your personal Quantum Human Design Chart can reveal your strengths, your weaknesses, and perhaps most importantly, your potential. Prepare for repetitive difficulties that you might encounter throughout your life, and embrace the opportunity to grow as you understand your personal Human Design strategy. Everything that is on your Quantum Human Design™ Chart represents an archetypal energy that you can express in an infinite number of ways. The expression of each element in your chart is operating on a
“spectrum” or a sliding scale. It has a high end, a low end, and the space between the high and low end.

How can Quantum Human Design™ Help?

Once you understand your own unique energies and frequencies, you gain more control over where on the “spectrum” you want to
choose to express yourself and how you can start living out the Highest expression of your potential and your Authentic Self.

You’ll discover your path to living an aligned and truly meaningful life simply by following the energies in your Human Design chart, the “owner’s manual” to your life. When you understand your energy, it helps you break old patterns and truly live an authentic,
fulfilling life as your Magnificent Self. You’ll discover your best way to make decisions, live your life purpose, create healthy relationships that honor who you are, how to activate greater vitality and quantum well-being, and what you can do today to start living a life that is aligned with the truth of Who You Are.

How do I get my Human Design Chart?

I will run your chart through my professional software for your session. If you would like to get your Chart/Bodygrapy before then, CLICK HERE.

Aurora will help you learn to love who you are.


My biggest qualification is a deep understanding and empathy through my own experiences.  I am passionate about holding sacred space for those on the awakening path and guiding them on their journey when invited.  As a human design projector with my Conscious Sun in Gate 51 and Conscious Moon in Gate 57, I am innately intuitive and am here to hold the light for those that are waking up. I have a gift for knowing what is in the way. It’s all in my Human Design Chart, as is a deep connection to the animal kingdom and animal communication. You will rarely see me without an animal companion by my side. I believe in being a kind human and that everyone is worthy of this respect. I am a formally trained: Quantum Human Design Specialist™ with Karen Curry Parker, Grief Educator with David Kessler, Grief Movement Specialist with Paul Denniston, Level 1 Animal Communicator with Meg Vick, Pet Bereavement Counselor with Dr. Wallace Sife, and Certified Life Coach with ICA. I have been a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance for over a decade, teaching more than 6,000 hours of classes. I am the former owner of The Yoga Channel studio and Registered Yoga School and have trained and certified countless yoga teacher trainees at the 200 hour level. I hold numerous advanced yoga certifications, including Trauma Awareness, Gentle Yoga, Advanced Sequencing, Advanced Subtle Anatomy and am an attuned Reiki Master. My favorite quote by her mentor, Karen Curry Parker, is “Well-Being is the new currency”. I founded the Manifesting Under the Moon methodology and co-create products, inner journeys and courses for those ready to manifest and create the life they have always wanted. I advocate clean products and living with Hugh & Grace, and most importantly, I am a human mom, dog mom and a perpetual student of life and expanding consciousness.